Monday, December 21, 2009

Universal Health Care and the Death Tax


How are these two related?  Let’s see.  Both are opposed by the Republicans.  Ok, so? 

We have a great number of people who have no insurance.  Separating out who need insurance and those who don’t want it leaves a number that exceeds probably 23 million people who need insurance.

Let’s see who don’t want to pay either an inheritance tax or estate tax – who qualify for both and it is about 5,500.  The richest people in our country.

The 23 million represent the poor and middle class people in our country.

What is more important to the Republicans?  The rich of course.  Although many in my state (South Carolina) consider themselves Republicans, they care very much for the unfortunate.  This is probably the highest per capita contributors to humanitarian causes in the country.  Then why don’t the want Universal Health Care?   The government is behind it.  Why are they against Estate taxes? The government is behind it.

It is possible that if a lifeline were thrown to them by the government that they would prefer to die, than grab it.  After all, they tried to refuse any money from the government distribution this last year.

The Republicans have managed to fool the people of this fine state in voting against themselves by just mentioning that ‘the government is behind it’.  What fools these mortals be…

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